BvS, Bloemendaal:

Project: Conceptdesign of 24m and 15m Fire-Fighting vessel
  Activities ARCHIMEDES Naval Architects:
  • weight estimations
  • new and modified concepts and lay-outs using AutoCAD and Rhino3D
  • initial linesplan
Project: Refit of the aluminium catamaran for the "Port of Rotterdam" authorities, the ' Nieuwe Maze'
  Activities ARCHIMEDES Naval Architects:
  • weightcalculation
  • selection of equipment
  • new and modified lay-outs and technical drawings using AutoCAD and Rhino
  • various surveys and trials incl reporting
  • hydrostatics and stability calculations using PIAS

Project: Various workboats and offshore support vessels

  Activities ARCHIMEDES Naval Architects:
  • weightcalculations
  • new and modified concepts, lay-outs and technical drawings using AutoCAD and Rhino3D
  • various surveys and trials incl reporting
  • hydrostatics and stability calculations using PIAS
  • inclining tests and reports
  • stability books